
Center of Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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现为美国犹他大学冶金工程系研究教授,重庆大学兼职教授,是哈萨克斯坦国家自然科学基金国外评审专家、山西省百人计划特聘专家、山西大学客座教授、山西省水利厅水库河道污染治理顾问、云南冶金集团股份有限公司专家咨询委员会委员。在CRC Press、SME等出版学术著作三部。近年来在(Langmuir,Colloid and Interface Science, Minerals Engineering, International ,Journal of Mineral Processing) 等国际权威科学期刊发表论文40余篇。近五年共承担美国能源部,国家自然科学基金,美国国防先进技术研究项目局等项目共15项,其中主持12项,承担项目中的基础研究5项、应用研究6项、技术开发4项。







[1]Guangli Zhua & Yijun Cao, Yuhua Wang, Xuming Wang, Jan D. Miller, Dongfang Lu, Xiayu Zheng (2020). Surface chemistry features of spodumene with isomorphous substitution. Mineral Engineering. Vol. 146. Published, 01/2020.

[2]Chao Wan & Hui Xu, Weiping Liu, Pengcheng Han, Xiyun Yang, Xuming Wang (2020). Novel Alkaline Method for the Preparation of Low-Chromium Magnesia. JOM. Vol. 72(1), 333-339. Published, 01/2020.

[3]Weiping Liu & Hui Xu, Xichang Shi, Xiyun Yang, Xuming Wang (2019). Improved Lime Method to Prepare High-Purity Magnesium Hydroxide and Light Magnesia from Bischofite. JOM. Vol. 71(12), 4674-4680. Published, 12/2019.

[4]Weiping Liu & Hui Xu, Zhixing Wang, Xuming Wang (2019). Adsorption of water and fatty acids at magnesium hydroxide surface from an MDS perspective. Surface Innovations. Vol. 7(5), 304-316. Published, 11/2019.

[5]Weiping Liu & X Wang, JD Miller (2019). Collector Chemistry for Bastnaesite Flotation–Recent Developments. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review. Vol. 40(6), 370-379. Published, 11/2019.

[6]Lu, Ying & X Wang, W Liu, E Li, F Cheng, JD Miller (2019). Dispersion behavior and attachment of high internal phase water-in-oil emulsion droplets during fine coal flotation. Fuel. Vol. 253, 273-282. Published, 10/2019.

[7]Zhu, Guangli & Y Wang, X Wang, JD Miller, D Lu, X Zheng, Y Zhao, H Zheng (2019). Effects of grinding environment and lattice impurities on spodumene flotation,. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China. Vol. 29(7), 1527-1537. Published, 07/2019.

[8]C Gungoren & O Ozdemir, X Wang, SG Ozkan, JD Miller (2019). Effect of ultrasound on bubble-particle interaction in quartz-amine flotation system. Ultrasonics sonochemistry. Vol. 52, 446-454. Published, 04/2019.

[9]Qinyu Zhu & Xuming Wang, and Jan D. Miller (2019). Advanced Nanoclay-Based Nanocomposite Solid Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium Iron Phosphate Batteries. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. Vol. 11(9), 8954-8960. Published, 03/2019.

[10]Venkata Atluri & Xuming Wang, Lei Pan, and Jan D. Miller, (2019). The Influence of Polysaccharides on Film Stability and Bubble Attachment at the Talc Surface. Mining, Metallurgy & Exploration. Vol. 36, 71-80. Published, 02/2019.

[11]Atluri, Venkata & J Jin, K Shrimali, L Dang, X Wang, JD Miller (2019). The hydrophobic surface state of talc as influenced by aluminum substitution in the tetrahedral layer. Journal of colloid and interface science. Vol. 536, 737-748. Published, 02/2019.

[12]Guangli Zhua & Xuming Wang, Enze Li, Yuhua Wanga, Jan D. Miller (2019). Wetting characteristics of spodumene surfaces as influenced by collector adsorption. Minerals Engineering. Vol. 130, 117-128. Published, 01/2019.

[13]Guangli Zhu & Yuhua Wang, Xuming Wang, Fushun Yu, Jan D. Miller (2018). States of coadsorption for oleate and dodecylamine at selected spodumene surfaces. Colloids and Surfaces A. Vol. 558. Published, 12/2018.

[14]Behzad Vaziri Hassas & Jiaqi Jin, Liem Xuan Dang, Xuming Wang, and Jan D Miller (2018). Attachment, Coalescence, and Spreading of Carbon Dioxide Nanobubbles at Pyrite Surfaces. Langmuir. Vol. 34, 14317-14327. Published, 11/2018.

[15]Feng Jiang & Yuqian Chen, Shaohua Ju, Qinyu Zhu, Libo Zhang, Jinhui Peng, Xuming Wang, Jan D. Miller (2018). Ultrasound-assisted leaching of cobalt and lithium from spent lithium-ion batteries. Ultrasonics Sonochemistry. Vol. 48, 88-95. Published, 11/2018.