
Center of Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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张骞 (Qian Zhang),男,博士,副教授,硕士生导师,重庆市高层次人才。2019年博士毕业于利物浦大学,之后于新加坡国立大学进行博士后研究,于2022年加入重庆大学化学化工学院。现主持国家自然科学青年基金,科技部重点研发计划子课题,重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,中央高校基本科研业务经费,重庆大学人才引进科研启动项目,参研科技部重点研发计划课题。目前,已经发表SCI论文30余篇,以一作/通讯在Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Nano Letters, JPCL, Nanoph等期刊发表论文,获得重庆市化学化工学会科学进步一等奖一项。主要从事功能性有机分子器件,电化学强化等工作。


2022-至今      重庆大学化学化工学院,副教授

2019-2022     National University of Singapore, NUSRICQ, 博后

(Supervisors:Prof. Christian Nijhuis, Prof. Yongxin Guo 院士)

2015-2019     University of Liverpool,博士

(Supervisors:Prof. Li Yang, Prof. Richard Nichols)

2013-2015     Trinity College Dublin,硕士

(Supervisor:Prof. Fabio Boylan)

2009-2013      南京工业大学,工学学士







1. Wang, Y.; Zhang, Q#.;  Astier, H. P. A. G.; Nickle, C.; Soni, S.; Alami, F. A.; Borrini, A.;  Zhang, Z.; Honnigfort, C.; Braunschweig, B.; Leoncini, A.; Qi, D.-C.;  Han, Y.; del Barco, E.; Thompson, D.; Nijhuis, C. A., Dynamic molecular  switches with hysteretic negative differential conductance emulating  synaptic behaviour. Nature Materials 2022, 21, 1403-1411. (#Co-first, Equal Contribution)

   --Highlighted in News and Views of Nature Materials: “Molecular electronics go synaptic”

2. Zhang, Q,  Wang Y, Nickle C, Zhang Z, Leoncini A…Nijhuis C*. Molecular Switching  by Proton-Coupled Electron Transport Drives Giant Negative Differential  Resistance. Nature Communications 15, 8300 (2024).

3. Zhang, Q.;  Liu, L.; Tao, S.; Wang, C.; Zhao, C.; González, C.; Dappe, Y. J.;  Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Graphene as a Promising Electrode for  Low-Current Attenuation in Nonsymmetric Molecular Junctions, Nano Letters 2016, 16, (10), 6534-6540.

4. Zhang, Q.;  Tao, S.; Yi, R.; He, C.; Zhao, C.; Su, W.; Smogunov, A.; Dappe, Y. J.;  Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Symmetry Effects on Attenuation Factors in  Graphene-BasedMolecular Junctions, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2017, 8, 5987−5992.

   --Highlighted in ACS LiveSlides

5. Zhang, Q.; Liu, C.; Tao, S.; Yi, R.; Su, W.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Dappe, Y. J.; Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Fast and straightforward analysis approach of charge transport data in single molecule junctions, Nanotechnology 2018, 29, 325701.

6. Zhang, Q.; Tao, S.; Fan, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Su, W.; Dappe, Y. J.; Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Technical Effects of Molecule–Electrode Contacts in Graphene-Based Molecular Junctions, J. Phys. Chem. C 2018, 122, 23200–23207.

7. Zhang, Q.; Porto, N.M.; Guilhon, C.C.; Giorno, T.B.S.; Alviano, D.S.; Agra, M.d.F.; Fernandes, P.D.; Boylan, F. Pharmacognostic Study on Elsholtzia ciliata (Thumb.) Hyl: Anatomy, Phytochemistry and Pharmacological Activities, Pharmaceuticals 2021, 14, 1152.

8. Zhang,Q.; Guihon,C.C,; Fernandes, P. D.; Boylan, F. Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of Elsholtzia ciliata (Thunb.) Hyl. (Lamiaceae) extracts, Planta Med. 2014, 80, 16.

9. Zhong, H.; Zhang, Q.*; Liu, Z.; Du, J.; Tao, C. ACS Omega 2023, 8, (41), 38469-38480. 

10. He, A.; Yang, Y.; Tao, S.; Zhou, X.; Wu, A.; Zhang, Q.; Tao, C.; Du, J. Fuel 2024, 358, 130057.

11. Tang. X, Qiu. F, Li. H, Zhang. Q, Quan. X, Tao. C, Wang. Y, Liu. Z*. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2023, 62, 1984–1996.

12. Wang. S, Xiong. X, Liu. P, Zhang. Q, Zhang. Q, Tao. C, Wang. Y, Liu. Z. Chin J Chem Eng. 2023, 62, 297-309.

13. Yang, J.; Li, C.; Zhang, Q.;  Huang, K.; Liu, P.; Liu, Z.; Li, Z.; Meng, T.; Zhang, X.; Wu, J.; Tao,  C.; Zheng, G. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 2023, 33,  (14), 2350173.

14. Tao. S, Zhang. Q,  Pitie. S, Liu. C, Fan. Y, Zhao. C, Seydou. M, Dappe. Y, Nichols. R,  *Yang. L. Revealing conductance variation of molecular junctions based  on an unsupervised data analysis approach, Electrochim. Acta, 2023, 449, 142225.

15. Tao. S, Zhang. Q,  Vezzoli. A, Zhao. C, Zhao. C, Higgins. S, Smogunov. A, Dappe. Y,  Nichols. R, Yang. L. Electrochemical gating for single-molecule  electronics with hybrid Au|graphene contacts, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2022, 24, 6836.

16. He, C.; Zhang, Q.;  Gao, T.; Liu, C.; Chen, Z.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Nichols, R. J.; Dappe,  Y. J.; Yang, L. Charge Transport in Hybrid Platinum/Molecule/Graphene  Single Molecule Junctions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2020, 22, 13498.

17. Tao, S.; Zhang, Q.; He, C.; Lin, X.; Xie, R.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Smogunov, A.; Dappe, Y. J.; Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Graphene-contacted single molecular junctions with conjugated molecular wires, ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 2019, 2, 12-18.

18. Yi, R.; Liu, C.; Zhao, Y.; Hardwick, L. J.; Li, Y.; Geng, X.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, L.; Zhao, C. A Light-weight Free-standing Graphene Foam-based Interlayer towards Improved Li-S Cells, Electrochim. Acta 2019, 299, 479-488.

19. He, C.; Zhang, Q.; Fan, Y.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Ye, J.; Dappe, Y. J.; Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Effect of Asymmetric Anchoring Groups on Electronic Transport in Hybrid Metal/Molecule/Graphene Single Molecule Junctions, ChemPhysChem 2019, 20, (14), 1830-1836.

20. Yi, R.; Lin, X.; Zhao, Y.; Liu, C.; Li, Y.; Hardwick, L. J.; Yang, L.; Zhao, C.; Geng, X.; Zhang, Q. Fabrication of a Light-Weight Dual-Function Modified Separator towards High-Performance Lithium-Sulfur Batteries, ChemElectroChem 2019, 6, (14), 3648-3656.

21. He, C.; Zhang, Q.; Tao, S.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C.; Dappe, Y. J.; Nichols, R. J.; Yang, L. Carbon-Contacted Single Molecule Electrical Junctions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2018, 20, 24553-24560.

22. Liu, L.; Zhang, Q.;  Tao, S.; Zhao, C.; Almutib, E.; Al-Galiby, Q.; Bailey, S. W. D.; Grace,  I.; Lambert, C. J.; Du, J.; Yang, L. Charge transport through  dicarboxylic-acid-terminated alkanes bound to graphene-gold nanogap  electrodes, Nanoscale 2016, 8, 14507.

23. Wu, J.; Zhao, Y.; Zhao, C. Z.; Yang, L.; Lu, Q.; Zhang, Q.; Smith, J.; Zhao, Y. Materials 2016, 9, 695.

24. Lu, Q.; Mu, Y.; Roberts, J. W.; Althobaiti, M.; Dhanak, V. R.; Wu, J.; Zhao, C.; Zhao, C. Z.; Zhang, Q.; Yang, L.; Mitrovic, I. Z.; Taylor, S.; Chalker, P. R. Materials 2015, 8, 8169-8182.