
Center of Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

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范兴,国家级青年人才,2009年获北京大学博士学位,之后回重庆大学工作至今,历任讲师、副教授(2011)、教授(2016)。现任中国材料研究学会太阳能材料分会副秘书长、IEEE Power & Energy Society 中国理事、中国仪器仪表学会功能材料分会理事、中国能源学会专业委员会委员、《The Innovation》青年编委、《Nano Materials Science》编委等;曾主持NSFC青年及面上项目、中组部万人计划青年拔尖项目、霍英东教师基金、教育部新世纪、重庆市英才计划青年拔尖项目等。近年来,发表SCI论文60余篇,其中,作为通讯作者在Nature Energy、Nature Commun.、Matter、Adv. Mater.等期刊上发表1‰ESI热点论文2篇、他引超100次论文5篇;论文累积他引4000余次;论文多次入选《Nature》、《Nature Materials》、《Nature Commun.》《Matter》及ACS主页等的“研究亮点”专栏;主编英文学术专著全书1部(Wiley-VCH);授权专利20余项,多项技术得到企业应用;获2018教育部自然科学二等奖(排名第三)、2014重庆市科技进步一等奖(排名第三)等科技奖励。







[1] Long Qin#, Chang Xu#, Qingling Che, Fuzhi Yan, Jie Xue, Xiaofei Wei, Siwei Xiang, Jie Wu, Changyuan Tao, Xiaohong Liu, Chong-Yew Lee, Wei Zhang*, Xing Fan* , Aqueous battery fiber with high volumetric and areal power density for flexible electronics, Device, 2024, 2(2): 100179.

[2] Siwei Xiang#, Guorui Chen#, Qian Wen, Han Li, Xinxin Luo, Jiahua Zhong, Sophia Shen, Aiden Di Carlo, Xing Fan*, Jun Chen*, Fully addressable textile sensor array for self-powered haptic interfacing, Matter, 2024, 7(1): 82-94.

[3] Jie Xue#, Qinglin Che#, Min Jiang, Zuohua Liu**, Ye Liu, Wei Zhang, Xing Fan*, Self-organized periodic pattern dynamics of porous copper electrodeposition at the industrial large current, Materials Today Chemistry, 2023, 34.

[4] Jie Xue#, Yuzhou Li#, Min Jiang, Jiaye Wu, Huang Zhou, Nannan Zhang, Sheng Yang, Changyuan Tao, Wei Zhang, Xing Fan*, Active Micelle Pumping Channel Triggers Non-Equilibrium Surface Excess Aggregation, Langmuir: the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 2023, 39(34).

[5] Huang Zhou#, Jie Xue#, Qinglin Che, Lingfeng Kong, Nannan Zhang, Changyuan Tao, Xing Fan*, Rollable and Ventilated Net-Based Solar-Thermal Water Evaporator for Casting on Water Surface, Small Structures, 2023, 4.

[6] Y. Yang#, X. Wei#, N. Zhang*, J. Zheng, X. Chen, Q. Wen, X. Luo, C.Y. Lee, X. Liu, X. Zhang*, J. Chen, C. Tao, W. Zhang*, Xing Fan*, A non-printed integrated-circuit textile for wireless theranostics, Nature Commun., 2021, 12, 4876 (Highlighted by Nature Communications as Top 1% “Featured Article”)

[7] Xing Fan*, N. Zhang, Y. Wang, Textile-based Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices for Wearable Electronics, Wiley-VCH GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2021, Sept., ISBN: 978-3-527-34524-3 (12万字, 350页)

[8] S. Xiang, N. Zhang, X. Fan*, From Fiber to Fabric: Progress Towards Photovoltaic Energy Textile, Advanced Fiber Materials, 2021, 3(2):76-106

[9] N. Zhang#, F. Huang#, S. Zhao, X. Lv, Y. Zhou, S. Xiang, S. Xu, Y. Li, G. Chen, C. Tao, Y. Nie*, J. Chen*, and X. Fan*, Photo-Rechargeable Fabrics as Sustainable and Robust Power Sources for Wearable Bioelectronics, Matter, 2020, 2, 1260 (《Matter》“Best of Matter 2020”年度论文;ESI热点论文;)

[10] N. Zhang#, Y. Li#, S. Xiang, W. Guo, H. Zhang, C. Tao, S. Yang*, Xing Fan*, Imperceptible sleep monitoring bedding for remote sleep healthcare and early disease diagnosis, Nano Energy, 2020, 72, 104664

[11] H. Zhou, N. Zhang*, H. Bai, H. Ming, Q. Zhang, J. Du, Xing Fan*, C. Tao*, A pulse modulatable self-oscillation kinetics for water oxidation at large current on manganese catalyst, Electrochim. Acta, 2020, 337, 135798

[12] F. Huang, H. Yu, S. Xiang, J. Xue, H. Ming, C. Tao*, N. Zhang*, Xing Fan*, Embroidering a Filmsy Photo-rechargeable Energy Fabric with Wide Weather Adaptability, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2020, 12, 3, 3654-3660

[13] H. Zhou#, N. Zhang*, Y. Yang, J. Xue, L. Kong, Q. Zhang, R. Liu, Xing Fan*, C. Tao, Floating Networks of Alga-like Photoelectrodes for Highly Efficient Photoelectrochemical H2 Production, ACS Sus. Chem. Engin., 2020, 8(28),10564-10571

[14] Y. Yang, H. Zhou, Q. Zhang, J. Du, H. Ming, N. Zhang*, Xing Fan and C. Tao*, Template-Free Electrodeposition of Dendritic Metal Blades for Efficient Flexible Manganese Oxide Electrode, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2019,166(15) A3559-A3563

[15] Q. Zhang, L. Li, H. Li, L. Tang, B. He, C. Li, Z. Pan, Z. Zhou, Q. Li, J. Sun, L. Wei*, Xing Fan*, T. Zhang*, Y. Yao*, Ultra-endurance coaxial-fiber stretchable sensing systems fully powered by sunlight, Nano Energy, 2019, 60, 267-274.

[16] N. Zhang#, Y. Chang#, H. Zhou, K. Jin, Xing Fan*, C. Tao*, Photo-modulatable Potential Oscillation during Organic-Phase Iodization Reaction, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2019, 166(4): H151-H156.

[17] L. Zhang; N. Zhang Y. Yang; S. Xiang; C. Tao; S. Yang*; Xing Fan*, Self-Powered All-in-One Fluid Sensor Textile with Enhanced Triboelectric Effect on All-Immersed Dendritic Liquid-Solid Interface, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf., 2018, 10(36): 30819~30826

[18] Y. Yang#, N. Zhang#, B. Zhang, Y. Zhang, C. Tao, J. Wang* Xing Fan*, Highly-Efficient Dendritic Cable Electrodes for Flexible Supercapacitive Fabric, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2017, 9 (46), 40207–40214

[19] H. Bai#, S. Qing#,D. Yang, Y. Zhang, Xing Fan* and C. Tao*,Periodic Potential Oscillation during Oxygen Evolution Catalyzed by Manganese Oxide at Constant Current, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2017, 164 (4) E78-E83

[20] Yu Chang#, Nannan Zhang#, Yuxin Yang, Jun Du, Xing Fan*, C. Tao*, Time-periodic oscillation reaction in an organic-solvent dominated electrolyte, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 27643-27650

[21] J. Chen#, Y. Huang#, N.Zhang, H. Zou, R. Liu, C. Tao, Xing Fan*, Z. L. Wang*, Micro-cable Structured Textile for Simultaneously Harvesting Solar and Mechanical Energy, Nature Energy, 2016, 1, 16138 (入选《Nature》”研究亮点”专栏专评;ESI热点论文;)

[22] Z.S. Chai#, N.N. Zhang#, P. Sun, Y. Huang, C. Zhao, H. J. Fan, Xing Fan*, W. Mai*,Tailorable and Wearable Textile Devices for Solar Energy Harvesting and Simultaneous Storage, ACS Nano, 2016, 10(10), 9201-9207(2016年Yahoo News!网站的“The 9 most impressive social good innovations from October”

[23] N. Zhang#, J. Chen#, Y. Huang, W. Guo, J. Yang, J. Du, Xing Fan*, C. Tao*, A Wearable All-solid Photovoltaic Textile, Advanced Materials, 2016, 28 (2): 263-269 (ESI高被引论文)

[24] L. Ding#, Y. Yang#, L. Liao, J. Du, Y. Wang, Xing Fan*, C. Tao*, Electrochemical Oscillation during Electro-Synthesis of KMnO4 under Highly-alkaline Condition, J. Electrochem. Soc., 2016, 163 (3): E70-E74

[25] L. Cheng#, Q. Chang#, Y. Chang, N. Zhang, C. Tao, Z.N. Wang*, Xing Fan*, Hierarchical Forest-like Photoelectrodes with ZnO Nanoleaves on a Metal Dendrite Array, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016, 4(25): 9816-9821.

[26] P. Tao, W. Guo, J. Du, C. Tao, S. Qing*, Xing Fan*, Continuous Wet-process Growth of ZnO Nanoarrays for Wire-shaped Photoanode of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell, J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 2016, 478:172-180

[27] L. Kong, Y. Bao, W. Guo, L. Cheng, J. Du, R. Liu, Y. Wang, Xing Fan*, C Tao*, Low-cost zinc-plated photoanode for fabric-type dye-sensitized solar cells, Appl. Surf. Sci., 2016, 363, 323-327

[28] Xing Fan#, J. Chen#, J. Yang#, P. Bai, Z. Li, Z. L. Wang*, Ultrathin, Rollable, Paper-Based Triboelectric Nanogenerator for Acoustic Energy Harvesting and Self-Powered Sound Recording, ACS Nano, 2015, 9(4): 4236-4243(ESI高被引论文)

[29] Xing Fan, D. Yang, L. Ding, J. Du, C. Tao*, Periodic Current Oscillation Catalyzed by Delta-MnO2 Nanosheets, ChemPhysChem, 2015, 16(1): 176-180.

[30] J. Chen, J. Yang, H. Guo, Z. Li, L. Zheng, Y. Su, Z. Wen, Xing Fan*, Z.L. Wang*, Automatic Mode Transition Enabled Robust Triboelectric Nanogenerators, ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (12), 12334–12343

[31] Xing Fan, Z. Fan, M. Peng, L. Cheng, J. Du, D.C. Zou*, C. Tao*, Efficient and Flexible Supercapacitors Assembled on Metal Spikes, ChemElectroChem, 2015,2 (8), 1100-1105

[32] Xing Fan*, X.Zhang, N.Zhang, L.Cheng, J.Du, C.Tao; Wet-process Fabrication of Low-cost All-solid Wire-shaped Solar Cells on Manganese-plated Electrodes, Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 161: 358-363.

[33] Xing Fan, Z. Chu, F. Wang, C. Zhang, L. Chen, Y. Tang, Dechun Zou*, Wire-shaped flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, Advanced Materials, 2008, 20 (3), 592-595. (入选《Nature Materials》”研究亮点”专栏专评;入选ACS主页”Noteworthy Chemistry”专栏专评;ESI高被引论文

[34] Xing Fan, J. Sun, F. Wang, Z. Chu, P. Wang, Y. Dong, R. Hu, Benzhong Tang*, Dechun Zou*, Photoluminescence and electroluminescence of hexaphenylsilole are enhanced by pressurization in the solid state, Chemical Communications, 2008, 26, 2989-2991.