
Center of Green Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

来源: | 作者:admin | 发布时间: 2022-12-10 | 1627 次浏览 | 分享到:


杜军 教授,博士生导师。1964年11月生,1989年四川大学理学硕士,2002年重庆大学工学博士,2004年至2005年美国布法罗大学访问学者。









[1] Anbang He, Yong Yang, Shuhui Tao, Xubing Zhou, An Wu, Qian Zhang, Changyuan Tao, Jun Du. In situ encapsulated Co3O4 nanoparticles into self-catalyzed grown CNTs for efficient CO2 conversion. Fuel, 2024, 358.

[2] Haidong Zhong, Qian Zhang, Zuohua Liu, Jun Du, Changyuan Tao. Ti/Ti4O7 Anodes for Efficient Electrodeposition of Manganese Metal and Anode Slime Generation Reduction. ACS Omega, 2023, 41.

[3] Yong Yang, Anbang He, Hui Li, Qian Zou, Zuohua Liu, Changyuan Tao, Jun Du. Operando Constructing Cu/Cu2O Electrocatalysts for Efficient CO2 Electroreduction to Ethanol: CO2-Assisted Structural Evolution of Octahedral Cu2O by Operando CV Activation. ACS Catalysis, 2022, 20.

[4] Anbang He, Yong Yang, Qiang Zhang, Ming Yang, Qian Zou, Jun Du, Changyuan Tao, Zuohua Liu. The enhanced local CO concentration for efficient CO2 electrolysis towards C2 products on tandem active sites. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 450. 

[5] Qiang Zhang, Anbang He, Wen Dong, Jun Du, Zuohua Liu, Changyuan Tao. Co, N co-doped porous carbon supported spinel Co3O4 for highly selective electroreduction of CO2 to formate. Vacuum, 2022, 197. 

[6] Mingzhu Wu, Lijuan Lu, Yibin Yang, Yu Chang, Ruixue Chen, Ying Li, Jun Du, Changyuan Tao, Zuohua Liu, Yajie Liu, Long Gou, Suhua Pan, Dan Ran, Jie Li. A triethanolamine-assisted fabrication of stable Sb doped-SnO2/Ti electrode for electrocatalytic oxidation of rhodamine B. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2022, 634.

[7] Qiang Zhang, Anbang He, Wen Xiao, Jun Du, Zuohua Liu, Changyuan Tao. Yong Yang, Anbang He, Ming Yang, Qian Zou, Hui Li, Zuohua Liu,  Changyuan Tao, Jun Du. Non-Aqueous Liquid Phase Synthesis of Acetic Acid via Ionic Liquid Promoted Homogeneous Carbonylation of Methanol over Ir(III) Catalysts. Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 2022, 95.

[8] Yong Yang, Anbang He, Ming Yang, Qian Zou, Hui Li, Zuohua Liu,  Changyuan Tao, Jun Du. Selective electroreduction of CO2 to ethanol over a highly stable catalyst derived from polyaniline/CuBi2O4. Catalysis Science and Technology, 2021, 11.

[9] Li Li, Xinhong Chen, Liang Wang, Changyuan Tao, Xiaoping Wu, Jun Du, Zuohua Liu. Synthesis of Ti3+ self-doped mesoporous TiO2 cube with enhanced visible-light photoactivity by a simple reduction method. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 845.

[10] Qiang Zhang, Shuihui Tao, Jun Du, Anbang He, Yong Yang, Changyuan Tao. A cold plasma-activated in situ AgCo surface alloy for enhancing the electroreduction of CO2 to ethanol.  Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8.

[11] Q. Zhang, J. Du* , A. B. He, Y. Yang, C. Y. Tao* , Cold plasma-activated AgCo surface in situ alloying for enhancing CO2 electroreduction to ethanol. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8: 8410-8420.

[12] Q. Zhang, A. He, Y. Yang, J. Du* , Z. H. Liu, C. Y. Tao* . Plasma-activated CoOx nanocluster supported on graphite intercalation compounds for improved CO2 electroreduction to formate. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7: 24337-24346.

[13] Qiang Zhang, Jun Du*, Anbang He, Zuohua Liu, Changyuan Tao. High-selectivity electrochemical conversion of CO2 to lower alcohols using a multi-active sites catalyst of transition-metal oxides. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 34 (2019) 635-645.

[14] Qiang Zhang, Jun Du, Anbang He, Zuohua Liu, Changyuan Tao. Low overpotential electrochemical CO2 reduction to formate on Co3O4–CeO2/low graphitic carbon catalyst with oxygen vacancies. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 279 (2019) 120946.

[15] Chaoneng Dai, Yue Qiu, Yu He,a Qiang Zhang, Renlong Liu, Jun Du*, Changyuan Tao*, Controlled synthesis of a Bi2O3–CuO catalyst for selective electrochemical reduction of CO2 to formate. New Journal Chemistry. 2019, 43, 3493-3499

[16] Y. Qiu, J. Du, W. Dong, C. Dai, Z. Liu, C. Tao. Bismuth nano-flowers as a high selective catalyst for electrochemical CO2 to formate. Journal of the Electrochemical Sosiety. 2018,165 (10) : 594-600.

[17] Yue Qiu, Bo Liu, Jun Du*, Qing Tang, Zuohua Liu, Renlong Liu, Changyuan Tao*. The monolithic cordierite supported V2O5–MoO3/TiO2 catalyst for NH3-SCR. Chemical Engineering Journal. 2016. 294: 264–272

[18] Bo Liu, Jun Du*, Xiaowei Lv, Yue Qiu, Changyuan Tao. Washcoating of cordierite honeycomb with vanadia–tungsta–titania mixed oxides for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3. Catalysis Science & Technology. 2015.5(2):  1241-1250

[19] Jun Du, Jing Shi, Zhengfei Li, Zuohua Liu, Xing Fan, Changyuan Tao.  Ionic liquid mediated CO2 activation for DMC synthesis.  Journal of natural gas chemistry. 2012. 21(4): 476–479

[20] Bin Xie & Hang Luo & Qing Tang & Jun Du & Zuohua Liu & Changyuan Tao, The black rock series supported SCR catalyst for NOx removal. Environ Sci Pollut Res . 2017 (24): 21761–21769


本研究团队专用设备主要有: 傅氏变换红外光谱仪;紫外可见分光光度计;电化学工作站;气相色谱仪;扫描电镜;光学数码显微镜;烟气分析仪;物理吸附仪;化学吸附仪; 催化剂活性评价成套装置;高压反应釜;大型搅拌反应器;微波马弗炉;旋转粘度仪等。